Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Jaelan's Senior Pictures!

Jaelan is another cousin and I've taken a lot of pictures of him this year!  As per the title of this post, Jaelan is a Senior and he is also a member of the Reitz High School Basketball team that had a very successful year in the 2014-2015 school year!   The earlier part of this year a lot of our time was spent going to basketball games to watch Jaelan and his teammates work their magic!  Such a talented team!  I was able to give my camera a workout with a lot of sports action shots!  These players can JUMP and it would always amaze me when I'd get home, load my pictures, and see all the pictures of basketball players in the air!  What a fun season!  

Jaelan's dad had talked to me last fall about doing some senior pictures for him.  We decided to wait until early this year when it got warm enough to do the pictures.  We were finally able to get together last week to take the first part of Jaelan's pictures!

We decided to start off at Burdette Park for Jaelan's pictures.  I was excited to get to take his pictures and especially excited to take pictures of him with his car - a super cool Mustang!  I also had the treat of getting to take some of the pictures with his sweetie, Abbie!

After Burdette Park we hit the railroad tracks near there.  I had used the railroad tracks last fall for my niece and her boyfriend and their pictures turned out great!  I also love what I consider a "hidden meaning" in pictures with railroad tracks or a road, I think of it like someone is on a journey and in this case, one journey (high school and high school basketball) is coming to an end and Jaelan will be heading out on his next journey (college and college basketball) this summer.  

We got a lot of great pictures of Jaelan (and Abbie) and I'm hoping we are able to get together to take some more that we've discussed taking! 

Here are a few of my favorites, but as always, you can find more by visiting the 2015 - Jaelan's Senior Pictures album on my Capturing Your Precious Moments Facebook Page! 

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