One might say that I've dabbled in a little bit of everything, I'm 45, going on 46 years old and I'm fairly sure I'm not done dabbling yet!!
At one time many, many years ago I dabbled in selling Mary Kay, for a brief period of time. Mary Kay used to (I don't know if they still do or not) but they used to challenge you to make over 30 Faces in 30 Days!!
A while back I decided I was going to photograph 50 Faces in 50 Days! Of course, with our usually crazy, busy life, I hadn't found the perfect time to get started with my own, personal challenge until recently!
So, here I am closing in on my 50 Faces in 50 Days! My plan was originally to wait and blow you all away with these 50 beautiful faces all at once, but I'm not sure you all can handle all these pretty faces at one time!! So, I've decided to space it out and post a few here and there!! And, in all honesty, I just can't wait any longer to share them!! I do promise not to take 50 days to share them all!!
So be watching, I plan to share the first two faces this weekend! I can't wait to share with you what I've been up to!!
And, it's not too late! Even though I'm almost at my 50, I will be taking more!! The trees and landscape are beautiful right now, there are so many great locations to take pictures!! But the clock is ticking as the temperatures will continue to drop!
If you're wanting pictures taken please let me know as soon as possible so we can make sure to find the time to get it done!!
(812) 453-2850 - call or text
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